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Friday, April 19, 2013

Offshore Wind Turbine Installation

Alstom build floating wind turbine platform in UK waters. The platform will feature a 6MW Alstom Haliade turbine. It has pretty high rated power (6 MW) with 73.5 meters LM blades that creates a swept area of 17.860 square meters. 
Alstom Offshore
Generally this type of offshore designs have a floating foundation which is fixed to the seabed using catenary cables. By positioning this floating platform in any place in water. Tanks to this property the turbine cane be moved to much more deeper waters which means less turbulent more strong wind which means less loads with high power efficiency.

Offshore transportation
On the other hand, it is a little bit hard to transport wind turbine stuffs from manufacturer to offshore area. As it seen in the following picture of nacelle, first land transportation then sea transportation is needed which costs extra money. And as a small note, it can be clearly identified with the dimensions of nacelle, direct drive wind generator technology is used. 

Alstom 6MW Nacelle
Sometimes it can cost serious amount moneys. That's why nowadays some of persons say production of off-shore wind turbines must be decreased. But some of companies which are so assertive are persistent with off-shore wind energy sector. 

Off-shore crane technology
If it is needed to compare with on-shore wind turbines, it is definitely clear that it is much much more easier to install on-shore wind turbines than the off-shore wind turbines. As it seen in the previous picture also, the crane technology must be designed in a clever way to be able to withstand with all forces during installation.