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Thursday, February 21, 2013

Why Wind Energy?

The unavoidable energy crisis that is taking place these days cannot be postponed. Those natural sources might be used up in the coming future and probably all people living under the sun will mainly depend on the renewable sources that will sustain the uprising energy needs. However, you should not lose hope as there are forms of energy that you may effectively rely on. Certainly, wind energy is one of them. A certain form of energy coming from the sun “solar energy”, wind energy could be utilized in order to fulfill some of your questions about energy crunch. Hence, there is wind energy for everyone!
Different Applications of Wind Energy
Naturally, every single thing found within this universe is one form of energy. Even the stirring wind contains enough kinetic energy which could be channelized in order to let a generator run. The phenomenon of energy preservation rules the operations in the universe. Energy could neither be destroyed nor be created however it may be transformed from a certain body to another, making it as the key answer to the entire processes taking place in the world. Winds are produced whenever the atmosphere is unevenly heated and the lighter air goes up for the replacement of other air patches, this explains why it is a form of solar energy. This probably provides you the touch of lively wind. Applications of wind energy in today’s world of sophisticated technology are particularly take emphasis on production of electricity. In most instances, it is the cities’ coastal areas, outskirts and ranches that are utilizing wind energy for main purposes such as electricity generation and irrigation. However, it is the wind energy for everyone.
A Brief History: Uses of Wind Energy
The initial story about the applications of wind energy is mentioned in the Babylonians, Chinese, Middle East and Persian civilizations. Wind energy pushed sailboats or boats were utilized as modes of transportation s whereas windmills within China are the ones pumping up waters for ranches and farms. Extensive usage on wind energy turned out to be very popular in the countries Europe in which the Dutch began utilizing windmills for supporting irrigation and the production of energy during the late nineteenth century. In the United States, wind energy was strap up in the farms, ranches and far throws areas in order to sustain the people’s energy needs, pump water and grind cereals.
As the increase of supplies in electricity became real popular with the United States during the twentieth century, windmills moved out from the scene. The past decades have been observed for marvelous increase in the quantity of windmills all over the US, due to the issues about global warming. Today wind energy has actually become the economical substitute energy source in the majority of countries. It has been said that the United States is trying to meet 30 percent of its electrical needs through the use of wind energy, perhaps before the end of the year 2030. This will probably make wind energy for everyone.
Electricity Production: Most Common Use of Wind Energy Today
Understanding about the modest utilization of wind energy is indeed interesting. Production of electricity is recognized as one of the largest utilization of windmills. In today’s technology dominated world conventional windmills are replaced by specifically engineered wind turbines in order to improve the production of electrical generation. The wind turbines’ blades catch the speed of wind, in such a way catching some kinetic energy. The motion of the blades places the shafts to be connected to the wind in motion, which certainly lead to power up generation which produces electricity. A usual wind turbine comprises shafts, blades, cable, gears, and generators. The following is the systematic process on working of energy in order to create electricity.
  • Wind blades of the turbine are basically installed on top part of towers. The wind will then blow these blades, making them spin.
  • Low-speed force shafts are linked to the blades of wind turbine. Such low-speed shafts will then again be connected to a gearbox which enhances the wind blades’ speed by allowing them to spin faster.
  • The spinning movement of these wind blades occurs mainly because of the occurrence of high-speed wind shaft within the gearbox which is connected further to its generator.
  • The turning motion of the shaft within the generator allows the production of electricity.
  • The electricity produced is created available for the people by the use of transmission cable and lines.
The produced electricity by these wind turbines will be depending on how big or small wind turbines are or simply their sizes hugely matters. The small ones give off electricity for a certain home whereas those big turbines could help on electricity production for almost 500 up to 1,000 homes. In most coastal areas wherein the flow of wind is very common in almost any season, wind turbines’ clusters or wind plants are integrated in order to offer electricity to communities and villages. Well certainly, this provides wind energy for everyone!

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