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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Wind Energy in Germany

Wind power is one of the most proven sources of economical renewable energy. In optimal areas, where winds are strong and consistent, prices as low as US $.03 per kilowatt-hour are possible. But wind power isn't without its challenges.
Wind turbines often have to be sited offshore to get the best winds, where installation, maintenance and connections to the power grid are most difficult. Fluctuating winds can cause power surges on a power distribution grid that can crash the whole system. These problems are manageable, however, through modern load balancing systems and power attenuation on each wind turbine to reduce output in very high winds.

Offshore wind farm
With single wind turbines now routinely capable of three megawatts of output – enough to power 3,000 homes per turbine – wind power has become too cheap and too practical to ignore.
No country on earth is more determined to realize the potential of wind energy than Germany, although the Danes and the British are giving them a run for the money. With virtually no energy resources in-country other than coal, and a national consensus that pretty much rules out nuclear power, the wealthy German nation is likely to extend its lead in wind power.
German officials claim that by 2050 their country will be powered 50% by renewable – solar, wind, geothermal, and bio-fuels  Considering Germany is one of the world’s largest consumers of energy, over 15 quadrillion BTUs in 2003, which included over 100 gigawatt-years of electricity, they have a long way to go. Currently Germany produces only 3% of their energy from renewable sources; about (taking into account net yields) 9% of their electricity from wind. Yet Germany’s lead over other major nations in wind energy is impressive and growing. – Ed “Redwood” Ring: The German wind industry in 2003
installed 1700 propellers rated at 2,645 MW. Although this figure is 18.5% down from the 3,247 MW newly connected in 2002, it is a good in light of the mainly negative economic trends of the last months of the year. Peter Ahmels, President of the German Wind Energy Association, stated that no other country can point to such growth in absolute numbers. Last year more than 22% was added to installed capacity making Germany the world’s second most important wind market. As of the end of June 2004, the total wind energy capacity installed in Germany amounted to almost 15,327 MW. This makes Germany the world leader in the use of wind power.
Nationwide the power stations produce 14,645 MW. In a normal wind year they could produce 5.9% of the national power supply – another indicator that the use of wind power is growing.
Manufacturers’ share of the German market 
Vestas sold 264 of their 2-MW machines in Germany and 55 to Austria, but there are large deficits in the service area. Vestas received a poor rating in the latest BWE survey of satisfaction among operating companies. Another important point to mention in connection with Vestas is its merger with NEG Micon.Two manufacturers did especially well last year: Vestas Deutschland GmbH and REpower Systems AG. While new installation numbers declined generally, they increased their output and grew their market shares. Vestas climbed by 5.6% to 23.5% and REpower added 3.9% to reach 10.7%.
REpower wants to concentrate on foreign business this year; they aim to put up 50 turbines outside Germany. Fritz Vahrenholt, head of REpower, was also glad that the gap with GE Wind Energy shrank to 14 MW. It is expected that REpower will outperform GE in Germany, since they are widely considered to have a better range of machines and more orders for the MM82, the new 2-MW converter. GE counters that their first calculations show that they doubled the capacity delivered over 2002, which was 637 MW. If that indicator should be confirmed, the Americans will push Enercon from second place in the international ranking. Together with some 889 MW on the German market, Enercon installed more than 1,100 MW in 2003.
Enercon spokesman Andreas Doser says that orders are well booked for the first months of 2005. By the end of the year he expects Enercon to have a greater number of machines and a bigger market share.

Vestas wind turbine
The merger with Vestas should help NEG Micon Deutschland, although they again failed to meet their objectives. Again, against the set by CEO Erik Laursen to reach a market share in the double digits. This results from unforeseen delays in a number of large projects.
AN Windenergie GmbH is unsatisfied with the 5% market share it reached. They are aiming to get back to between eight and ten per cent. They want to lead with their 2.3-MW machines with 82-metre rotor diameters. The new 3.5-MW machine will be launched in the latter half of this year. This machine is optimal for offshore projects in Great Britain and in Germany, where there are no height restrictions.
Nordex AG crashed from 8.7% to 4.8% market share, causing them to implement a consolidation program. However, it is expected that it will take time for the measures to have an effect. For this year, their prognosis of their market share is lean: They want to reach at least the 5 % level.
Like DeWind, Fuhrlaender AG also sold more plants abroad than in Germany in 2003. It gained around 1% of the home market again, which is not expected to change this year. There are more foreign orders on the books, for example, in China.Another decline was to be seen in DeWind GmbH’s market share – 1.3%. They are stronger in Austria (and internationally) than in Germany, but important for them is not where they’re growing, but that they are growing. For the future they are working to get a bigger slice of the German pie for themselves.

Wind turbine types
If you wonder more about wind energy see: Renewable Energy and Wind Turbines

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